Monday 19 December 2016

Professors want Trump examined for “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” (video)

In a blunt letter to president Obama three well respected psychology professors express their worry at a Trump presidency and the consensus among their colleges that Trump is mentally ill. They want him to have "a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation by an impartial team of investigators". 

Their thinking is that Trump is demonstrative of “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”, a very serious and hard to treat psychological disorder. They worry about his impulsiveness and his inability to take any criticism at all, instead going in to a rage against those who criticise him or cross him. 

Being as he can order a nuclear strike at will against any foreign power of his choosing, the worry is that he'll use nukes to strike out in said rage.
1. People with NPD are extremely sensitive and insecure. They psychologically require constant compliments and acknowledgement because they do not have their own internal self-esteem. They need to get it from others.

2. If someone does criticize them, even in a Tweet or on a television comedy show, it triggers this deep and painful lack of self-esteem and they MUST lash out to relieve the pain of the criticism.

3. They have only two modes: They are either fully your friend and love you or you are their enemy and they will do everything to discredit you or humiliate you. They can’t help it. The pain of having someone in their circle who does not approve of them or acknowledge them, (almost constantly), is too great.

4. There are only two ways to deal with someone with NPD, and they are both dangerous. There is no healthy way of interacting with someone with this affliction. If you criticize them they will lash out at you and if they have a great deal of power, that can be consequential. If you compliment them it only acts to increase the delusional and grandiose reality the sufferer has created, causing him to be even more reliant on constant and endless compliments and unwavering support.

5. Because they crave the attention and approval of others they develop great capacity to engage and entertain and can be quite charismatic, even to the point of developing a cult-like following.

6. Someone with NPD will NEVER get along with any member of the press, or any media outlet that criticizes him.

7. Someone with NPD will NEVER hire (and will fire) anyone who criticizes him. Therefore, and because they believe they know better than almost everyone else, they have a very hard time listening and taking any advice.

Concerns Expressed by Mental Health Professionals

The President of The United State and Commander in Chief is the only American who has ANY say over the mobilization of The United States Military, the authorization of a military strike on a perceived or real enemy and the launch of any and all of the weapons possessed by The United States Military, including 7,000 nuclear warheads.

There is no “Fail Safe”. There is no “Team”. There is no thoughtful review.

The National Security Advisor, The Secretary of Defense, The Secretary of State, The Joint Chiefs of State and every General in the military can all emphatically say “NO!” but if The Commander in Chief wants to initiate military and even nuclear action, NO ONE can stop him. American law does not allow a military officer to make those decisions.

Only a civilian, The President, elected by The American People can access the nuclear codes. Only that President can use the nuclear codes.

And if he does, the military is duty bound to follow his order.

A President and Commander in Chief who does have Narcissistic Personality Disorder would be very dangerous to all Americans, and the world. Huffington Post .   

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