Thursday 25 December 2014

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day - Pastafarian christmas :)

Well I'm a bit late as it's on Sept 19th, but still being christmas day and as it's the equivalent of that, why the fuck not? Religions often make it up as they go along.
Talk Like A Pirate Day, September 19th is the most blessed of all days, equivalent to Christians' "Christmas", But better. This is the day where the Flying Spaghetti Monster blesses all because they talk like pirates, be they followers of the FSM or not. Obviously, to not talk like a pirate incurs horrific penalties....Wiki-alert
So in light of that (particularly the hallowed pic in lights above) I pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that all who talk like pirates today will be touched by a number of his noodly appendages. Aye captain.....

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