Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Discrimination case finalised and going ahead

Earlier we went and saw David's lawyer about finalising the text of the discrimination case that his last work did to him. There were a few little things to tidy up, but largely it was all fine. It will now go ahead to the discrimination bla and we'll see what happens there. No guarantee of a result but the feeling is that David needs to go ahead with it for his own sake, no matter what the outcome.

Interestingly I have now officially become part of the case. This is because of the financial damages incurred not only after they stopped ringing him with shifts but well before that when they were slowly cutting back on his shifts months and months before. Honestly, sometimes he was only getting $500 a fortnight as they were giving him virtually nothing, despite him being an employee of 7 years. That's less than what my bloody disability pension is FFS. That's when we started going into debt.

The lawyer became interested in my costs as I started to explain to them about it all. Last year there was hardly anything owing on the credit card, just a few hundred as all the bills go through it and I pay them as they come, taking advantage of the interest free period. This year it's been maxed out twice at $30,000, both times would have meant bankruptcy if not for more flotation money. The first lot came from the $10,000 I got out of my super under severe financial hardship conditions that were easily met. The second lot came from my sister who's lent us (or maybe given I dunno) $10,000. So I'm in for $50,000 so far. David has sold artwork as well to keep us going. Paying private rent on welfare just doesn't seem to work so well I'm afraid, especially when it takes nearly 4 months for David to get a fuckin cent from Centrelink. Indeed, for a few months I was paying the rent on the credit card every second week.

So I am now officially part of the case because of these financial damages. My name is officially on there. And so it should be. 

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