Sunday 1 January 2012

Starting the new year

Feeling completely different than yesterday. Got up before 8 and opened the curtains. Not exactly a picturesque view, 

 but a bright sunny day with light flooding into the bedroom. The grass and trees in the middle are from decades ago when they used to have trams. Dunno why they got rid of them, bloody stupid. The tree in the middle of the pic has rainbow lorikeets in it seasonally.

The tree comes out in red things and they eat them. Haven't seen them lately but when the tree is covered in red they go there at the crack of dawn, squawking all about the branches and stuffing their beaks. It's funny as they don't stay too long and soon move onto another tree; it's like they know if they eat everything in one day the tree can't grow more by next morning. 

Opened the bedroom window. Still not too hot outside. Pleasant but not stifling. Very strange this summer as usually by Jan and Feb we're all about to faint from the heat. Can't say I'm complaining. I remember what last summer was like and I just got hugely sick of sweating all the time and the humidity that you could just about taste. 

I don't usually feel different on new years day. This time though it does feel different. Am almost too scared to hope after everything that's happened, in case it's just going to be another disappointment.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Peter.
    Hope springs eternal my friend.
    2012 will be OUR year!
    luv the blog
