Monday 16 January 2012

My blog was flagged at Blogsurfer

WTF? I got a message today via Blogsurfer (the thing that has been on the left for probably about a year now) that my blog had been "flagged" and that they wouldn't accept "any kind of nudity". I am stunned.

Who the hell "flagged" it? Who are they really? Some anonymous person on the other side of the world who has gone through two fuckin layers of warnings, and scrolled down halfway on the main page to discover links to safe sex campaigns for gay people. I repeat, two layers of warnings

Apparently some fuckwit in America has been offended after going through all of this. Likely some asshole who's a moralising nut. Never mind that those safe sex campaigns are doing a wonderful job of keeping the infection rate in Australia amongst HIV+ gays stable for the last ten years. Never mind that somebody overseas might actually follow what the little pics are linked to and be talked to, in the real world that they live, about how to go about safe sex. Never mind that somebody who understands these campaigns is very likely less likely to be infected with HIV. Just, "oh no! there's a bit of nudity! Get out the fuckin moral club and fuck it all off". Fuck this shit pisses me right off. 

So lets just see how good these campaigns are working here shall we? Here is New South Wales, Australia, compared to England and the USA:

 Looks like we're doing pretty good here, well in comparison anyway. 

So what is the response from Blogsurfer? "OMG there's a bit of nudity on your blog! It's banned!". No bloody wonder HIV infection rates are so high in America, people like at Blogsurfer are too fuckin scared to recognise it even exists, let along talk about it. Or let a bit of education about the real world get out there. Some poor dear might get offended at the sight of a bottom.

News flash Blogsurfer. Gay people have sex. There is a whole necessary thing about having to educate people about how not to pass it on (no matter what the Pope thinks BTW). Gays go to sex on premises places on drugs, and sometimes have sex that endangers them of contracting HIV. How about we talk to them in the world that they live? How about we get with the fuckin programme, instead of moralising about a bit of fuckin nudity.

These campaigns are well known here amongst the gay community. We know what they're talking about. And it looks to me like it's working a lot better than moralising about nudity. 

Blogsurfer, you are doing the gay world a disservice. You are doing a disservice to perhaps someone who might have discovered this blog overseas through your site and avoided getting HIV after getting a bit educated about sexual practices amongst gays. I'm hugely disappointed. Now they will never know. That is a tragedy.

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