Saturday, 27 July 2013

Horribly sick

I'm sitting here in bed after David ordered me to bed for an hour or so. Have earlier had such a bad experience I nearly rang the ambulance to go to hospital. I feel like I'm in shock after it, told David this and said I was going to bed and taking the computer. After all, the whole reason I started this blog was as a way to get my head around my life.

We were at a friends place and I started feeling really bloody sick. Tried to ignore it as you don't like to fall sick at a friends place really do you. Yes the friends is fine with it but I always feel like I'm putting them out somehow. Felt more and more sick, and in the end had to go and spew in the toilet (how embarrassing). It was a bad spew, mostly just fluid (beer and water) but very intense. Came out afterwards and sat down, only to have to go back to the toilet a few minutes later.

This spew, although less in volume, was much worse. As it seemed like there was nothing left to spew, it felt like my stomach was so upset that it was about to spew itself out of my mouth. Much of it was dry retching, but the intensity and energy consumed by such spewing exhausted me. Afterwards I sat next to the toilet for a few minutes as I was so tired from it I didn't feel I could get up.

David and our friend had been in checking on me through this time sounding increasingly worried. After the second spew I staggered out to the lounge and layed straiht down, panting and crying. David sat with me. He seemed to have it all under control as a nurse, until he asked if I was ready to walk to the bus yet and I said "another 5 minutes or so". He started looking very concerned then.

My hands and feet started feeling a touch numb. David got me to sit up, straightly. The numbness subsided. About ten minutes later we left, albeit I felt I was in shock. There's only 2 other times in my life I've ever spewed that bad. Both times were food poisoning. David and I eat the same stuff so it wasn't that this time.

Have decided to go see my doctor next week and get some bloods done. Am about due for the three monthly analysis of my HIV.

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