Thursday, 18 July 2013

Nursing the computer

My lovely little baby computer shit itself this morning. I have no idea why. It didn't seem too bad last night when we were watching YouTube on the big telly, although the videos did seem to freeze a bit now and then. 

This morning I turned it on and I could hardly do anything at all. Managed to check the email and then it nearly froze up completely. Got the shits waiting for it and making coffee. 

Cleaned the browser cache but with no effect. Then I decided that rather than fucking around with bits and pieces and getting pissed off more and more, the easiest thing to do would be to use the big guns; System Restore.

System Restore is the silver bullet. The magical program that goes back to an earlier time on the computer when it was all working utterly marvellously. I clicked the "recommended restore point" to go back to, and waited for it all to be done.....

Computer fucked around a bit with itself then restarted. Unfortunately the news wasted what I was hoping for. It said some cryptic crap about some file that it couldn't access, and that the way to fix it was to either disable the virus protection (which sounded bloody scary), or choose another restore point. The last option was definitely the easiest.

Started System Restore again and chose right back to the 10th of this month as the restore point. And waited. Took ages this time as it went through all the shit, but after it turned itself back on it informed me that System Restore had completed successfully. 

It all seems fine now.

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