Saturday, 31 August 2013

Cop in 2 bashings - Mardi Gras

Remember this cop, who chucked this young Jamie Jackson to the ground like he was a leaf at this years Mardi Gras?

He's been linked to this bashing too of Bryn Hutchinson, who received these injuries for crossing the road before the cleaners had time to sweep the street.

I've been waiting for some of this shit to go through the courts. I don't believe one word of what came out of those cops mouth about these violent incidents.  
CCTV footage taken from the Colombian Hotel at around 11:28pm on the night of Saturday March 2, the night of the 2013 Mardi Gras parade, shows police officer Goya Hedayat, badge identification number Fairfield LAC 266, involved in the detainment and arrest of 32-year old gay activist Bryn Hutchinson, who suffered bruises and contusions during the arrest and was charged with assaulting police. 

The Colombian CCTV footage was shown at Hutchinson’s court hearing at Downing Centre Local Court last Wednesday, where it was revealed that Hedayat was the officer to place handcuffs on Hutchinson, and was also named as one of the officers who lifted Hutchinson up from the ground. 

Amateur footage of a separate incident, taken on the corners of Riley and Burton Sts between 11 and 11:30pm the same night, shows the same police officer throwing a handcuffed 18-year old man, Jamie Jackson, to the ground. The footage went viral shortly after it surfaced online in March and triggered an outcry from the LGBTI community and the wider public into the conduct of police officers at Mardi Gras and other LGBTI events. The Jackson incident was not mentioned in Hutchinson’s court hearing. 

Hutchinson, who first came forward on his incident back in March, told the Star Observer at the time that he was “grabbed from behind by several officers and thrown down on [his] back” after trying to cross Oxford Street after being verbally warned off by an officer, before being flipped over and kicked several times. more

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