Saturday, 17 August 2013

Crimes against humanity - US Pastor

It's been almost common knowledge for a while now that the reason there's so much anti-gay hatred in African countries is because of US evangelical Christians going over there in recent decades and stirring up hatred against gays. One of those evangelicals is a bloke called Scott Lively, who apparently has quite a history of stirring up opposition of LGBT people (hmmmm ..... I wonder if he's gay himself?). Although I've heard little of him from my place here in Sydney (he'd likely be refused a passport by the gov to come here).

Towerload has obtained three video's of Scott Lively crapping on to Ugandans instructing Ugandans all about how evil us gays are, all about that mysterious "gay agenda" I keep hearing about but never know what it means, and how gays were responsible for the Holocaust (yes you read that right). Here's one of the video's where he tells of us evil gays loving Hitler or some shit. Not long after this Uganda came out with it's infamous "kill the gays" bill.

Well, looks like this is one extremist with a big shit fight on his hands. A US judge has ruled that Scott Lively must stand trial for crimes against humanity:

Michael Ponsor, the US District Judge in Springfield, Massachusetts, said: ‘Widespread, systematic persecution of LGBTI people constitutes a crime against humanity that unquestionably violates international norms.’ 

‘The history and current existence of discrimination against LGBTI people is precisely what qualifies them as a distinct targeted group eligible for protection under international law. 

‘The fact that a group continues to be vulnerable to widespread, systematic persecution in some parts of the world simply cannot shield one who commits a crime against humanity from liability.’ 

The lawsuit states Lively collaborated with key Ugandan government officials and religious leaders that allegedly resulted in the introduction of the ‘Kill The Gays’ bill. - See more

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