Sunday, 18 August 2013

Money clarifications

David is going back to work tomorrow after some weeks off. Being discriminated against like that has really affected him. He's been in a bit of shock I think that some of his fellow nurses could be so vindictive and malicious to him. He's not going back to the same ward that it happened on, and will be only working part time. It's a lot of travelling too which will be tiring as well, about one and a half hours each way on public transport. He doesn't want to go back yet, but alas he needs money to pay his way. They're still going to transfer him as he wants, closer to home. I said the ACON legal people will back him up after three months to get it.

I think he's about as bad with money as I am :s  Last time I supported him immediately after the discrimination event, where he'd been left in the lurch by his work and literally had not a cent. He gave me a lot back after he sold something, however I found the whole experience very anxiety producing after all I've been through recently with being in debt up to my eyeballs without a hope of paying any of it back. Couldn't be helped though, life just happens doesn't it.

Anyway all of a sudden he runs out of money again without a hint of the impending pennylessness. I'd say he just lost track of his money like I often do and was as surprised as I was. Then he starts needing smokes again.... which are bloody expensive in Australia, some of them $20 a packet. He often goes through a pack a day. I said to him I can't keep him in smokes indefinitely, he looks surprised and a bit confused, but gets the message. After all I'm only getting pension money.

So anyway he quickly gets his tax done down the road and has $2,000 coming his way from that. Only thing is it takes 10 days to go into his account. And even though he's going to work tomorrow he won't get paid until the next pay period in a fortnight. So it looks like we're down to both living off my money until he gets his tax back in about a week from now. I looked at what was happening with my account online and informed him that I have only $300 until Wed week, which will even be after he gets his tax return.... Certainly there will be no pub visits in that time.

I've thought about this little money hiccup a bit. His ex that he spent years with, although a drunk schizophrenic living in a world of delusion, was loaded. David never had to pay for any utilities, and towards the end they'd paid off their unit and he didn't even have to pay rent. I guess it's a bit of an adjustment to suddenly realise you have to use your money to live off and not play with. Think he was a bit of a kept man.

I still have a bit of money left from the redundancy payout last year, but it's just to anxiety producing to let that just get frittered away on living. Said to David I have to try and live off what I'm getting now otherwise what little is left of that money will be gone. I don't want to be in that position again of having nothing at all in the bank for an emergency.

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