Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Gay hate electioneering

The election is near, and despite one of the big arguments against gay marriage is that there's far more important things to consider first (as Abbott has said) that hasn't stopped the Christian lunatics from producing hate flyers for said election. One in Tasmania, and another in South Australia. Evidently gay marriage is a pivotal election issue then?

First to Tasmania, and it's 38,000 strong flyer. It was all set to go until the bosses at Australia Post were told about the bullshit in it and stopped it going out. It is the usual sort of lies and crap, in my opinion likely from someone in the closet being so obsessed with us gays. Here's a little picture I found online at the Same Same:

That's the best picture I could find and it's a bit hard to read, so here is the text:
We don't have a problem with people that struggle with homosexuality and lesbianism; they strugglewith it because they know it's wrong. However we do have a problem with people that call: wrong - right, and bad - good, and when people try to pass laws making it legal, right and acceptable when it's clear it's far from the case.
The vast majority of countless people and parents statistically show that they care deeply about their little Kiddies, their future and wellbeing. Allowing sodomite and lesbian marriage would cause a roller coaster of acceptance in adopting babies, toddlers and young children. These children will grow up witnessing multiple same sex partners and all other things associated with this type of perverse lifestyle. Furthermore the chances that they would not be sexually abused by their "parents" and social associates are extremely slim. These are the people that prey on the vulnerable and young children. These are the people that use drugs and other measures to engage in abhorrent behaviour. It does not stop there, allowing gay marriage opens up a Pandora's Box to all other perversions including bestiality. The Jimmy Saville, the Catholic Priests are just the tip of the iceburg.
There's more to but that's about the gist of it. Not to mention it's very badly written; the punctuation is appalling.

Interestingly, the flyer is linked to an independent candidate for the Senate, an Andrew Roberts. Notably he may well soon find himself in the shit over it:
Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Robin Banks said she has seen the flyer but has not yet received a formal complaint. 

“It has to be capable of inciting emotion at the extreme end of the scale,” she told the ABC, saying it could be considered an incitement of hatred. 

Croome said he will be making a formal complaint to the Anti-Discrimination Commission soon. 

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has said while it has no role in dealing with the content of electoral advertising, the AEC has to be informed as the source of any advertising to prevent anonymous material. 
 Roberts has not yet been identified as the flyer’s author, but the AEC has stated they would be contacting him. more
And now on to South Australia.

The Australian Christians party (I've never heard of them) has put out this abomination (pun intended):

I've come across this sort of shit before in Australian online political discussions. Apart fromthe fact that you can use very dodgy statistics to prove anything, the basic line is that "gays are evil because they get sick/have HIV". No mention of the straight miners in Queensland going to Asia, contracting HIV, then coming back and having sex with their wives before even getting tested, contributing 20% to the HIV infection rates up there. No mention the number of STI's passed on in the straight community. No, just blame the gays for it all and infecting society.

Probably the most offensive thing in this flyer is the (what I'd consider purposeful)  use of the word "propaganda", which is obviously a reference to the new laws in Russia; that bastion of Christian love. Here are the Christians in the crowd that bashed those gays (last May I think) on that bus, along with stool wielding Christian priests. I do hope someone in South Australia takes this up with the authorities as well.

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