Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Gay marriage may save economy

I don't think it could get any planer than this article. It's suggesting that having gays marry here rather than them flying across the ditch to New Zealand would give a $1billion boost to the flagging retail sector. That's not small change for the 23 million population of Australia.
LEGALISING gay marriage would give a billion dollar boost to Australia's faltering retail and tourism industries.

As same sex marriage becomes legal today in New Zealand, gay rights advocates warn Australia is exporting jobs by denying gay couples the right to marry here.

With the average Aussie couple now forking out $54,294 on their wedding - including honeymoon and rings - allowing gay couples to wed could see a surge in spending.

According to the national director of Australian Marriage Equality, Rodney Croome, more than a thousand gay couples plan to travel to New Zealand to marry.

"That's already $54 million that will be lost to the Australian economy, and the longer Australia lags behind the move we will lose more," Mr Croome said.

"By refusing to allow same-sex couples to marry, the Australian parliament has effectively exported millions of dollars in revenues, and hundreds of new jobs, to New Zealand." Read more 
I could go on about it, like pointing out that us Kiwis already take a good number of Australians jobs by coming over here and getting them, and now Australians are going a step further by exporting jobs across the Tasman to NZ as well. But I think I might be taking it a bit far saying that :)

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