Friday, 30 August 2013

The right wing nuts are losing it

Hot on the heals of Pat Robertson's strange (to say the least) assertion that gays spread HIV on purpose with sharp rings, we've got this right wing nut going for it for all he's worth. It's the most unhinged, hate full rant I've ever seen or heard broadcast. Is this legal over there? The guy would find himself in court very quickly here, and not before getting taken off air. Our so called shock jocks here know all too well.

So what's going on over there in the US? It's like they've run out of arguments and just lay their bigotry out for all to see, as if that's an argument in itself. Or he's just given completely up and his chucking a tantrum. 

Here's the text followed by the video.
Jews, homosexuals, blacks, gays, Islamists, you may think they’re disparate groups, they’re not, they’re all tools. Because while we’re mad at these two punks, we’re mad at Trayvon Martin, that thug that deserves to be dead and I’m glad he’s dead.

Pieces of crap, homosexuals like what’s that one guy’s name? [Dan] Savage. That faggot. That horrible, awful, terrible excuse for a human being who is at the White House promoting attacks on Christians. I hope he dies — he probably will — of every disease known.

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