Tuesday 8 September 2015

Abbott's token Syrian refugee gesture - asshole files

Pathetic is the word that most sums up Abbott's latest half assed gesture at the Syrian refugee crisis. The papers are announcing Abbott will take in more refugees than the total quota previously decided, specifically to accommodate more refugees from Syria. Once again instead of leading, Abbott is dragged kicking and screaming to make some token gesture at what community expectations are.

I'd say many in the community are screaming an almighty WTF? right now. Why hasn't Abbott, a professed christian, acted swiftly and taken part in the west's mobilisation to help these poor people. People who have arguably ended up in this dire situation because of the west's intervention in the middle east. 

It's just common sense. These people aren't terrorists (any more than the boat people are BTW) but are simply fleeing for their very lives. Australia is a country two thirds the geographical size of the US, but with only 23 million people. Of course we can help out, and of course we can make a huge effort. Especially when war has been involved. Indeed, Abbott's parents were themselves Ten Pound Poms. It's time to do our bit again. Everyone accepts that, even in Abbott's own party.

Yet now in a situation far more dire than what the Poms were facing in England, Abbott is loath to do much at all to help them. Labor wants 10,000 Syrians. The Greens want an emergency 20,000 intake of Syrians now.

But this is what Abbott is suggesting be Australia's grand plan to help the Syrians (as part of bombing the place of course):
Among the options is a one-off increase and/or a quicker transition from the current 13,750 annual humanitarian places to the higher 18,750 cap set for the end of the decade. Read more
Tinkering at the edges while the ship of fools burns, a token gesture in the face of unimaginable death and suffering.

If there was any issue that would define once and for all the chasm that exists between our prime minister and our Australian community it's this one. Abbott does not represent us. All he represents is a dying core of ultra-conservatives trying desperately to hang on to power in a sea of social change. 


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