Wednesday 16 September 2015

Australia the "coup capital of the democratic world" - BBC

Hilarious political commentary from the BBC on our latest overthrow of our latest self absorbed leader.
Covering Australian politics feels more like conducting a triage of the wounded and slain. The bloodletting has become so brutal that party rooms have come to resemble abattoirs. 

Were a movie to be made of Australian politics over the past decade it would have to be X-rated, and, as I have said before, be directed by Quentin Tarantino. 

It could be modelled on those gory Ozploitation movies from the 1970s and 1980s that actually inspired the young Tarantino. 

Australia even has its own unique language to describe the carnage: 

Leaders are "rolled." 

These leadership votes in caucus are called "spills." 

When a spill is in the offing the cry goes up: "It's on!" more
Ha ha ha...... Hilarious. Exactly the words we use.

Interesting too the BBC has used the word "abattoir". Indeed, this was a facebook page I read regularly during Abbott's reign of self absorbtion:

 I'm actually very happy about our ability to roll unrepresentative swill from our parliament. I think it's even representative of the Australian character. We don't take shit.


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