Friday 18 September 2015

Gay marriage will lead to humans marrying robots - christians

Yes, it's the slippery slope gay marriage thing again. This one is from the US in response to the Kim Davis thing, that to continue down this lawless greasy slope Kim Davis will eventually end up having to issue marriage licences for humans to marry stuffed animals or robots.
I suppose then, we should overlook that it is unconstitutional for judges to make laws.
Although we see overuse and abuse today, the Supreme Court was never meant to overpower state laws according to a small but significant document called the U.S. Constitution. So which law, exactly, authorizes Ms. Davis to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples? Might the same un-law someday authorize her to issue marriage licenses between stuffed animals and humans? Or robots?

How far down this greasy slope must we slide before people finally understand that this lawlessness leads to the kind of tyranny Christians are fleeing from in the Mideast? Without a doubt, the heat's been turned up for Christians. That Kim Davis is the first woman in American history to be jailed for her Christian faith is not a bad thing. more
May I just say that after two years of gay marriage in New Zealand, there has not been a single case of marriage between a stuffed toy or a robot. 

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