Friday 18 September 2015

Abbott sulks - not seen in parliament since the spill

Tone's like a bitter and twisted petulant child at the moment. Has the shits severely about being turfed. Hasn't shown up in parliament all week since being turfed.

Meanwhile his Cruella De Vil Credlin is taking her sweet time to pack up Abbott's staff and all their shit from the Prime Ministers Office. Turbull is currently running what's left of Team Abbott from his old offices as the minister for fucking up the NBN/communications. The poor dears have nowhere to sit in there. 
"The Prime Minister can't go into the prime minister's office and can't get access to the prime minister's diary." 

Mr Turnbull's old digs are also rather cramped - officials visiting to brief the new PM have to stand, because there is not enough room to accommodate them on chairs. 

The incoming administration has been unable to find out whether the Abbott team had committed to any important prime ministerial appointments that Mr Turnbull might need to honour, according to ministers and staff. 

While some parts of Mr Abbott's prime ministerial diary were visible to the public servants in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, other parts were kept invisible, officials said. 

At the same time, the federal director of the Liberal Party, Brian Loughnane, who happens to be married to Ms Credlin, has been fully involved in the new prime ministerial operation. Read more
Abbott's diary? You have to wonder what top secret stuff Abbott might of been up to. A meeting with the Border Farce?

Perhaps Abbott's in a padded cell somewhere rambling on about stopping the boats.

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