Saturday 4 February 2012

Terrible allergic reaction

Today I'm sore. Got a bad allergic reaction on one of my legs, saw a doctor on the way home from work yesterday. I've not been to that medical centre before but thought I'd give it a go as it was right where I change buses. A bulk billing place (free) and the one that my daughter has told me about at the mall. I was quite happy with the place, and only had to wait 20 minutes or so, so I think will go back there again.

The doctor seemed a bit aghast at how bad the rash was. It came up really aggressively only over about 2 days. Got much worse yesterday at work. As it's only on one leg, and a bit on my lower back, he reckons I must have come into contact with something that I'm badly allergic too. This I took yesterday after seeing the doctor:

It's gotten a bit worse overnight, but the cream and antihistamine tablets appear to be helping. Today it's sore and hurts moving around. I guess it's because I've got an hyperactive immune system because of the HIV, that chucks a fit at just about anything. Doctor says a week to ten days, but the amount of area I have to cover with the cream it looks like I'll run out and have to go back and get another prescription.

Tried to think what on earth I came into contact with that did this. The only explanation is lube. After sex and cleaning up, Simon has had lube on his dick (during the general course of things) and we've gone to sleep against each other with his dick and my leg moving against each other through the night. There's nothing else I could have come into contact with. Good grief! I've used that particular lube for ages, now all of a sudden I've developed a massive allergy to it. Fucks sake man! Allergic to lube! Just dreadful darlings!


  1. Thank you for sharing. It helps. I am about to get my bloods taken this morning and get my results in Tuesday. Not too confident as too many things have been going on with my body in the past few weeks to be a coincidence. Exposure was Xmas eve. Merry Xmas to me.
    Thanks again. It's good to know that I'm not alone. I too live in Sydney. Thinking of you. X

  2. Nice to have someone close to home reading :)

    I had a very bad sero-conversion about a month after getting HIV. Mouth ulcers, very bad ones, flu symptoms, rash, lost 5 kilos in a month. That's what made me go get tested. Was pretty sure I'd gotten it by that stage. When I was told I wasn't surprised at all.

    But I was really surprised at how treatable it is now. Take care, let me know how you go mate.
