Wednesday 7 November 2012

OMG, we're rich!

WTF? *faints*

Some survey conducted by somebody, has found that Australia is the 4th most prosperous country in the world (well out of the 142 in the survey). Fuck knows how that happened. I'm not exactly rolling in it, and two of my friends are both facing the same sort of bankruptcy that I narrowly escaped because of un-payable debt. And around here in eastern Sydney we're supposed to be a boom town or something. So where the hell is all this money we're supposed to be rolling in? Or am I just a bit jaded?
Scandinavian countries have continued to dominate the top of the global index, which takes measurements from across eight categories: economy, education, entrepreneurship & opportunity, governance, health, personal freedom, safety & security and social capital. Read more

I think a lot of that so called prosperity is wrapped up in over priced property, but that's raining on our 4th place parade isn't it.

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