Thursday 10 September 2015

Abbott's train wreck interview on the ABC 7:30 report - far out

Oh My Fuckin god. 

Flailing around in his own cesspool of lies. Reiterating slogans. The facade visible to even to most led sheeple. This interview is a disaster of biblical proportions.

The emperor has no clothes. Midas's touch in reverse - everything he said turned to shit. FFS he said "death cult" four times in the first six and a half minutes. 

A man without a message. Tired old lines. A week is a long time in politics, yet he's still using the lines from the 2013 election. He's not moved on from there. Still blaming Labor for everything even though he's been in gov for 2 years. 

Where is he getting his vapid statistics? He's just out and out lying, plain as day, there for all to see in front of our eyes on national telly. Has he no fuckin shame?

Surely the Lieberals must get rid of him now. I dunno how many times I've said that before though. Every time you think "no they can't still keep this pious puppet there any longer!" they fuckin do.

OMG, the damage he's doing to the Lieberal party brand.......


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