Thursday 10 September 2015

David's work discrimination case - settling out of court

David's work made an offer higher than previously. Although still a pathetically small amount considering what he and us both were put through last year as a consequence of the discrimination, he has decided to just settle and move on with his life.

It's been 18 months since the last shift he did there, when the 2nd discrimination episode happened. They've drawn things out long and hard, a multi-national company fighting every step of the way. Although the money isn't huge, the fact that David got anything at all out of them is to his credit. He made a multi-national company worth bloody $bazillions accountable for what they did to him. 

He deserves a big pat on the back for that, the lawyers congratulating him as well. I'm really proud of him for standing up for HIV+ people and saying how wrong the company's treatment of the issue was.

The company has two weeks to give him the money, or they start getting charged interest. Most likely we'll use it a bit each week in addition to the miserable Centrelink money to make our lives a bit brighter. As the amount isn't huge it won't affect the assets test at all.  

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