Tuesday 8 September 2015

Gay marriage an issue in Canning - Christian party to preference Hastie

You know sometimes when you read something so idiotic and so incredibly stupid, that you want to scream at the article you're reading? Well that's how I've just felt reading an article about the Canning by election. 

In it, there is a christian party running (oh how delightful for them) and they've decided to give their preferences to Lieberal Hastie. Why? Because he's against gay marriage. The christian party bloke explained it by saying he's glad Hastie has not been afraid to give an "alternative view". 
Australian Christians candidate Jamie Van Burgel said the party directed its first preference to Family First last time, but has chosen to reward Mr Hastie this time for having the courage to express his views. 

"I think people are scared to go on the record to say whether they support traditional marriage or not and that's why we really support Andrew Hastie, because he hasn't been scared to broach the issue," Mr van Burgel said. 

"100 per cent, we want to reward the Liberal or the Labor candidate if they have a strong view, and a correct and conservative view on traditional marriage." 

"Andrew Hastie is obviously on the conservative side of politics. I don't think we should be scared to have an alternative view no matter how strong the so-called gay lobby is." 

Mr Hastie's main opponent, Labor's Matt Keogh, has publicly supported same-sex marriage. more
Is it just me?

After the combined Coalition party room voting two thirds no to having a conscience vote on the issue (the Nationals voted over 80% no BTW) it's beyond fuckin comprehension that being opposed to gay marriage in the Canberra Lieberal party is an "alternative view" FFS!

And WTF is this bullshit about the strength of the "gay lobby". Does the "gay lobby" include the 70% of Australians who are for gay marriage? What an insult to all of them to infer that they're all just mindless sheeple incapable of independent thinking, blindly following the gay lobby pied piper. And another FFS! He's just insulted the intelligence of 70% of the Australian population. Way to go christians.

And how dare he say being against gay marriage is "a correct" view. Who The Fuck does this asshole think he fuckin is? Lord and leader of human fuckin morality? Nobody in the gay world is saying that straight marriage is wrong. 

But oh no, not the christians. They can't be nearly so open fuckin minded. Just listen to them because they have all the fuckin answers cheery picked from their 2,000 year old book, chucked together by some desert nomads who apparently had the insight to know the be all and end of of human morality ever fucking more. Yes, they say gay marriage is wrong, so that is "correct".

Oh just fuck off Jamie Van Burgel. That would be more "correct" than you becoming another unrepresentative swill to represent Australians. 

There he is pictured, looking so smug and happy in his self absorbed correctness. I just hope life enlightens him more than the brain dead religion he espouses.


Well, one's thing's for sure. If you want gay marriage the people of Canning now have a clear choice as to who to vote for. 

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