Saturday 12 September 2015

What about the persecuted gays in Syria then?

If Team Abbott is going to prioritise Australia's intake of Syrian refugees according to persecution, then gays must come in at the top of the list. I find it hard to fathom that christians are supposedly (according to Team Abbott) the most persecuted minorities in Syria.
Whilst the Assad government is not exactly a world leader in gay rights given it penalises “carnal relations against the order of nature” with imprisonment for up to three years, the situation is even worse in IS territory, where suspected homosexuals are blindfolded and hurled off the roofs of tall buildings.

In cases where the victims have survived the landing, militants have stoned them to death. Accurate numbers of victims are impossible to obtain, but the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission is keeping track of whenever such executions are publicised. more
Here are those executions being kept track of. This is one example.
On August 3, 2015, the Islamic State’s Information Office in what it terms the Aljazeera Province (Iraq) issued a photo report captioned, “The imposition of Sharia ruling against a person who committed the act of the people of Lot.” The report ( contains 10 photos and ends with the request that the reader pray for the Islamic State militia and wish them well. The first two photos are captioned, “Muslims gathering to witness the imposition of the religious ruling.” This photo shows a large crowd of men, gathered in what appears to be an urban setting, while armed militias wearing ski masks or with their faces covered, are standing guard. An aerial view of the scene shows the heavy presence of gunmen on the ground and on the rooftop of the nearby buildings. The next photo shows a young bearded man, speaking through a microphone, with the caption noting that he is, “explaining the religious ruling before implementing the sharia punishment.” Other photos in the series show four armed persons and the victim on the top of a tall industrial building. The victim is dressed in a long white robe and his head is covered in a black bag. Four photos show the progression of the victim being thrown off the building until his body is on the ground. more  

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