In this case it's the media reflecting back public opinion on the matter, with 70% of us wanting marriage equality. Just makes common sense, that on a commercial channel privately owned, if you offend 70% of the audience you lose a lot of viewers. Privately run telly is never about a fair debate, it's about massaging the audience and giving them what they want. Simple. The media is the massage. People don't want to come home from a hard days work to relay in their armchair, and cop an add that offends them in the middle of their favourite show. Fact of life.
Anyway, so now the Marriage Alliance people (the icebergers) who launched themselves recently with great fanfare to try and stop those dreaded icky gays getting married, are now doing a dummy spit about their lack of media coverage. This from the transcript:
And major one-on-one interviews on radio and TV have also been out of kilterOK, if that's the case, then what of this reporter from Buzzfeed who tried 17 times to get an interview and couldn't?
With two key spokespeople for marriage equality, Rodney Croome and Christine Forster, scoring 32 interviews between them in the first 12 days of August
And by our count, two key speakers against—Sophie York and David van Gend—scoring a grand total of only 12.
Amazingly, the ABC has not interviewed Sophie York from the Marriage Alliance even once—despite 16 interviews with Forster and Croome.
As the Australian Marriage Forum’s van Gend told Media Watch:
"No-one ever rings us. We send endless media releases ... I don’t want to pester anyone, but we’re here. " — David van Gend, Australian Marriage Forum, 12th August, 2015 more
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