Tuesday 15 February 2011

Biopsy Results

"Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis".

A bloody mouthful that one. The biopsy has confirmed the original diagnosis, and the prognosis is that the kidneys will mostly recover, although there are some cells that won't as they're too badly damaged (OMG it looks like my drug taking days are over! Shock horror!). In short there are damaged parts of the kidney in amongst healthy parts, a lot of those damaged parts will get better but not all of them. 

And I won't have to stay on dialysis. This was one of my big worries, that the condition would go from "acute" to "chronic", which would mean dialysis indefinitely. It was a great relief to hear the word "acute" and not "chronic" in the biopsy diagnosis. I see the Renal team in a couple of weeks, but the dialysis people are going to talk to them before that to see if they want to take me off dialysis before then (given the biopsy results). I'm feeling fine in between sessions and no problems.

I had a further blood test done today, although I left before the results came through. The hemoglobin was at a good level though. The most interesting will be the creatinine levels (the one that went from 90 to 900 in 3 days originally - waste products in the blood).

So looking good so far.

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