Sunday 15 April 2012

Order out of chaos

This PC is so much better than the old one. Dunno how I managed with that for so long now. There's so much more that it will do. Today I discovered some pretty amazing fractal things. Fractal geometry has been around for a while, but with today's computers there can be some amazing work created. I had no idea that there were now 3D fractals.  Dunno WTF this has to do with HIV, but it's really bloody interesting. Order out of chaos.

Must admit its a bit hard for me to get my head around. The best explanation I came across was this:

Many things previously called chaos are now known to follow subtle subtle fractal laws of behavior. So many things turned out to be fractal that the word "chaos" itself (in operational science) had redefined, or actually for the FIRST time Formally Defined as following inherently unpredictable yet generally deterministic rules based on nonlinear iterative equations. Fractals are unpredictable in specific details yet deterministic when viewed as a total pattern - in many ways this reflects what we observe in the small details & total pattern of life in all it's physical and mental varieties, too ....

FRACTAL FERN: One very simple way to understand fractals and the meaning of "lteration" is to examine a simple recursive operation that produces a fractal fern thru a "chaos game' of generating random numbers and then placing them on a grid.

After a few dozen repetitions or ITERATIONS the shape we would recognize as a Perfect Fern appears from the abstract world of math. How and Why can this be?

The answer to why is that it Simply IS - and it's quite surprising too!
Answering How is that nature always follows the simplest & most efficient path. Fractals are maps of the simplest paths sliding up the scale of Dimensions (from 2-D to 3-D and so on). So maybe it's simply an artifact of nature's elegance that we find exact correspondences between these inherently existing mathematical forms and natural patterns, and even living creatures of many types. 

And in that link are comparisons with naturally generated fractal patterns, and similar patterns created within todays' computers which are capable of generating such massive complexity. Such as this:
And here is one I liked, a 3D one set to music. Amazing.


What all this means I'm not sure. I suppose you could speculate that the human race is moving ever towards more complexity following our own fractal pattern. I even read someone who was saying that the internet itself would follow some sort of fractal pattern and out of it all would come some sort of order overall. What does it mean for our own individual lives? Over time do our minds become more ordered as we age? This whole subject just brings up more questions.

Think I'm actually feeling a bit better today. Still sneezing and all, but the pain in my head not so bad. 

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