Saturday 8 February 2014

AEC inquiry into 2014 federal election

The Australian Electoral Commission is currently trying to find out WTF happened in the 2014 election; most notably senate candidates being elected on fuck all votes, and the loss of 1,300 ballot papers in WA.
Missing ballot papers and micro-party candidates being pole vaulted into the Senate will dominate a parliamentary inquiry into the conduct of the 2013 federal election. 

Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) officials will face a grilling by the joint standing committee on electoral matters in Canberra today, Thursday. 

Committee chair Tony Smith said the missing ballots in Western Australia, as a result of a ‘smorgasbord of flaws’ by the AEC, had left the voting public dumbfounded. 

‘The loss of 1,370 ballots in the WA Senate election is the biggest known failure by the AEC in living memory,’ he said in a statement. more
I'm wondering about the honesty involved by the Abbott gov in getting elected in the first place. Democracy is about everyone having enough information to make a balanced decision on who would be best to lead the country. What we've had with Abbott is a bunch of lies that he said he didn't say before the election but it's on the record that he did. I can't remember in any election I've voted in before where a gov so blatantly lied through it's teeth to get into power. Surely this sort of thing should be addressed? 

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