Monday 7 September 2015

Abbott shuffles refugee intake for Australia - asshole alert

Oh he's such a slimy weasel worded prick. This man is deserving of derision and hatred.

So the media proclaims Abbott agrees to take on more refugees from Syria. Hooray everyone goes! At last! Finally a bit of compassion from the fuckwit!

Until you read the small print:
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he is prepared to “step up to the plate” and increase the number of refugees Australia accepts from war-torn Syria, but within the current humanitarian intake. more
What a cunt. 

This is on top of ripping the guts out of the foreign aid budget.

So what's he going to do anyway, send the Syrians to Nauru or Manus Island? It wouldn't surprise me. 

The picture is of refugees walking to the Austrian border.

(BTW I think that's the first time I've ever used the c-word on the blog).


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