Sunday 6 September 2015

"Marriage Alliance" anti-gay marriage Fathers Day scare add

It's fathers day in Australia now and the Marriage Alliance (responsible for the iceberg add) have come out with their latest scary children are doomed add against marriage equality. As usual, they use false and misleading statistics like they're factual.
“This ad seeks to hijack Fathers Day by importing the most extreme elements from the American anti-equality campaign into the Australian debate,” says Australian Marriage Equality campaigner Rodney Croome. 

“The Marriage Alliance is drawing the longest bow possible, trying and failing to link kids raised in disadvantaged homes in America with loving, committed same-sex couples marrying in Australia. 

“This video shows how threadbare the case against marriage equality is, and if anything will encourage even more Australians to support the reform.”

Croome calls on the Marriage Alliance to use facts instead of fear, and urges it to take responsibility for the way their campaigning stigmatises same-sex couples and their families. 

“Australians know that a loving and stable home is what is most important for kids. Studies show children raised by same-sex couples fair just as well as other children.” more  
Here it is.  


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