Saturday 5 September 2015

Muslim stewardess refuses serving alcohol - christian hypocrisy alert

How very interesting......

A newly converted Muslim stewardess is presently suing ExpressJet Airlines claiming she's been put on administrative leave for not serving alcohol. Serving alcohol is evidently very much against her sincerely held religious beliefs:
“I don’t think that I should have to choose between practicing my religion properly or earning a living,” Stanley said. “I shouldn’t have to choose between one or the other, because they’re both important.” more
Well you'd think the US right wing christian brigade would be running to her defence, screaming blue murder, bla this and bla that. Wouldn't you.

Well not at all. Apparently sincerely held religious beliefs are only worth fighting for if they're christians doing the fighting. In fact she's condemned by Pam Geller:
So now we have yet another Muslim workplace lawsuit from CAIR – once again designed to impose Islam on the workplace. This is what they do. 

Why would a devout Muslim want to be a flight attendant in the first place, when half your job is serving alcohol? 

Lena Masri of Hamas-tied CAIR declared: “We notified ExpressJet Airlines of its obligation under the law to reasonably accommodate Ms. Stanley’s religious beliefs. Instead, ExpressJet close to violate Ms. Stanely’s constitutional rights, placed her on administrative leave for 12 months after which her employment may be administratively terminated.” 

What about the rights of the passengers on Stanley’s flight who just wanted to have a drink? Alcoholic beverages are still legal in the United States. more  
What about Kim Davis not serving the public then? 


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