Friday 4 May 2012

Preachers hating again; hatred from hell

I woke up early this morning. The internet allows me to see shit from the other side of the world. There was an audio this morning, but tonight after I got home from work I was able to see this of it.

Where is "NC" by the way? That's "North Carolina" USA right?

What a fucked up way to start the day. I spent a lot of today really in shock. I mean FFS, what sort of community does any poor person who lives where that church is, who is gay, have according to the gay persons there?

If this preacher was an Islamic fundamentalist preaching this hatred, fuck knows how much he would be condemned around the Western world for his stance. Yet this goes unnoticed in the Main Stream Media because it's supposedly a Christian organisation. To preach such hate as this, against a gay minority, is unheard of here.

The preacher is gay I'm telling now. He is speaking of his own desires and his hatred for himself to control those desires. I predict at some point he will be caught out with a rent boy. 

But I wonder..... How many people in the local community there has he made think by this, that their sexuality is a sin?

1 comment:

  1. It is widely speculated that he is an alleged pedophile, & this "preacher" attacks others to take the focus off of him. Hr is a major ass hole, & I am sure that he is damaging children because their parents actually believe the shit spewing from hs mouth. Unfortunately many Southern states seem to be in collective stupidity. This country is a fucking MESS.
