Sunday 27 May 2012

So close

Had a very good evening last night with Simon. He really enjoyed doing nothing whilst I made dinner. It wasn't anything special but it was fine. Some rump steak with boiled potatoes, carrots and peas. Butter, salt and pepper on them. Steak I just did on the gas stove top in a frying pan, with pepper steak seasoning and season all salt. Though just doing stuff that I've done lots before was the safest thing. It all came out marvellously, and the steak very tender. Although I made a bit too many potatoes is all, no biggie.

Went to bed later and had the best sex. Felt so close to each other, like we'd somehow mingled all together into one being. Giving ourselves to each other so intensely. It was beautiful. I often like some roughness, but this time was different. So tender and sweet. Something much more than just physical going on, the physical act simply our expression to each other of our feelings. It felt so meaningful.

This morning he had to go back to feed the monster dog again. Am just farting around at home today, before later at the Bear thing. Was looking at that funny site some more, the Mrs Betty Bowers thing. There's so much there. I found these linking to where you can buy all sorts of stuff with crazy Bible verses,

It's so funny. 

I got an email too forwarded, it's very entertaining on YouTube. They've put the "Stayin Alive" Bee Gees song to clips from old movies with Fred Astaire and the like. Very well done.The embedding is disabled but you can watch it here:

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