Saturday 5 May 2012

Gay stereotype

During the time that KFC was in court getting sued by the family here who's daughter got brain damage from a contaminated Twister (the court battle lasting 7 years so far, see recent posts) they were airing this add in Australia:


What a fuckin lie.

Looking up a bit more about that video gone viral on the net, Pastor Harris's Christian love displayed in all it's glory. Man, these people are fuckin wacko. How would you even argue with someone like that, completely delusional in his religious world of 1950's bigotry? The guy is obviously beyond help. You could write a whole book of psychology about this nut. I did remember though this that I came across a while back on a funny site. This would suit Pastor Harris and his fantasies very well I think.

 It's confusing to me too as he defines gay people pretty much exclusively as effeminate and limp wristed. The guy has no idea, unless he's referring to his own inner desires? It's strange to me that he would think all gay people are like that. They're not. Many gays are very well built and would be well capable of knocking his block off. Wanna argue with these guys Pastor? How about "maning up" to them?

No limp wrists there mate. It's something about being a man and the attraction to that. I find effeminate gays quite rare here in Sydney. Even lots of the pretty boys are big and muscular. Most guys unless they said they were gay you'd not know, not that it's an issue anyway.

Another thing that confuses me is, aren't there laws over there in "NC" that puts a limit on this sort of hate speech? Should people be able to hide behind "religious freedom" to use the pulpit to vilify a whole minority? I looked up the laws here in New South Wales:
The law in New South Wales currently prohibits public acts that incite hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of, a person or group of persons on the grounds of race, homosexuality, HIV/AIDS infection or transgender identity. These prohibitions are contained in Section 20C, 49ZT, 49ZXB and 38S (“the NSW civil provisions”) of the Anti Discrimination Act, 1977 (NSW) (“ADA”).
Well lucky me, I've got a double hit there, gay and HIV. Other than that, fuck the public outrage that would transpire here if anyone dared to spew the vitriol that Pastor Harris did towards gays would be swift and all encompassing across the gay and straight community. Society here thankfully is well past any debate about gays being wrong for who they are, even with a lot of religious people. Particularly in Sydney, where many people have friends and family who are gay, and who know they're not monsters.

This probably summed it all up the best, from an American blog:

Social issues are taking a front and center role in this year's elections and my suspicions are that the Republican party cannot run on the economy since they ran it into the ground with George W. Bush and now that President Barack Obama is seeing better economic numbers due to his work their only alternative is to go back to the social issues. The War on Women and the continued War against the LGBT community has shown to be overwhelmingly unpopular in the country. According to a Gallop Poll in 2011 53% of Americans believe same-sex marriage should be recognized by law with the same rights as marriage between a man and a woman or heterosexual marriage this is up from 44% when polled the year before. The trend is towards acceptance the American people realize that the real fight isn't about social issues it's about economic prosperity, growth, bringing jobs to the U.S. becoming a country that exports products again, made in America. The polls time and time again show this trend upward in favor with many Catholics favoring gay marriage and now with the repeal of DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell) many are seeing that the fake fear of our military crumbling because of it was just more fear mongering by hate filled ignorant politicians.
BTW here in Australia gays have been in the military for 20 years I think. It's incredible seeing such a debate going on over there, all these years later.

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