Sunday 8 July 2012

Beer count?

Had a very bad day yesterday.

My back aches a bit off and on, it's normally nothing to have a stress about. Most of the time I don't even notice, whether I'm just used to a dull annoyance now and then I dunno. I'd estimate it's just muscular, probably from years of lifting. My back's tight all the time but generally not a problem at all. Yesterday though the pain was intense.

I'd had a few beers the night before with friends at a local pub. I didn't think they were that many, and made sure I left when I started to feel like I'd had enough. Woke up in the morning however and it's hard to describe just how bad I was feeling. I think perhaps the underlying problem was severe stomach acid. What I had to eat before bed wasn't particularly the best thing, in hindsight. But who's thinking when they're plastered? Daughter had made a nice looking cheesecake with strawberries so I sampled some of that, after devouring two wholemeal sandwiches with cheese. 

Ugh. By morning my stomach felt like a fuckin brick was in it. And the pain was so bad it was going right through to my back, which from the back pain I'd say the muscles wouldn't have been far off going into spasms. Right behind my stomach, an area unreachable to rub or anything. It was also affecting higher up and my neck and shoulders were hurting with associated pain, along with a bit of a headache. Lay there in bed sort of like "WTF?", and thought, "fuck, I feel really fuckin bad".

Got the Eno from the kitchen which settled my stomach down a lot, and thereby having a follow on effect with everything else. Back started hurting less as well. Took some Panadol and resolved to stay in bed waiting for it to work before getting up. The relief was short lived though as only about half an hour later all the pain was back. Another round of Eno and Panadol again helped, and an hour or so later I finally got up. Continued on all day with the Eno and Panadol, trying to leave enough time between doses. Had a fat free dinner of boiled potatoes, beans, and kangaroo, and went to bed early just to lie down. By that time I was able to read and go to sleep. 

Today am feeling much better with my back OK again and the indigestion gone. Reflecting on how bad it all was yesterday. Spent all day in bad pain, just sat around and did very little. Alas the youth of my stomach has long since faded, as it appears has the youth of my back. I fear that beer intake to a certain level may tragically be beyond my capacity to deal with in present times, and I may therefore be doomed to a life of counting beers I've had when out and about. Oh fuck! I shall have to convince my brain (in a half inebriated state) that my stomach is reaching it's limit for the evening! 

This is of course the age old tussle between the brain and the beer. It all seems like a good idea on the night, until the next morning when your body bites you back.

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