Saturday 23 November 2013

Abbott debt ceiling lie

Joe Hockey, or new minister of finance, recently raised Australia's debt ceiling to a massive $500billion. I was pretty shocked when I saw the headlines; shocked at how stupid some Australians must be to swallow this bullshit, after crying doom and gloom about debt since the GFC. What? Now they're raising the gov debt ceiling? Why?

Here is a collection of quotes from Abbott last year when Labor raised the debt ceiling to a mere $300billion. You can read them all at the link, but here's a juicy little one. Keep in mind this was only March last year.
The debt ceiling, the nation’s credit card limit, is $300 billion. Now, the Government needs to get this down - it needs to get this down urgently - but my fear and the growing fear of the Australian public is that the Government will try to solve its problems by increasing your problems... more

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