Wednesday 13 November 2013

"Rich people don't create jobs" - 1 percenter

It's not rocket science. An economy needs consumers to have enough money to buy stuff. If everyone is so poor they can't buy a lot of things, then the economy suffers. Multi-national companies sending jobs offshore and expecting the jobless people to buy their stuff when it comes back into the country is ridiculous. As is expecting a population becoming increasingly poor to keep buying the same amount of stuff as when they were better off. I am of course referring to the Reagan 30 year experiment disaster in the US, in the last post. Why the hell Australia is following that bullshit is certainly something to take to our pollies.

This video is a little one of those "TED talks". I've only heard of these online. This one unfortunately was banned from the TED site as it was deemed too controversial. WTF? It's like to question the current system is blasphemy. What about freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas?

Meet Nick Hanauer, one of the US's "one percenters". I note at the end some were giving him a standing ovation.

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