Tuesday 26 November 2013

Two sides to an argument

Had a day together yesterday David and I, including a long discussion about the weekend argument between he and my daughter. There are always two sides to an argument and this case is no exception.

Without going into the details of it all, suffice to say there are some glaring differences in my daughter's relating of the event and how David described it. For example, my daughter described David "screaming in her face", whereas David's version was that he was sitting across the room from her on the lounge :s  Also the "viscous" nature of the verbal exchange from David is rather in question after the way he described how it went, and what he was replying to. For example, what led to the explosion was when she yelled at him that she wished he would leave. WTF? Where the hell did that come from? Why would she come out with something like that?

I'd have to say that there's also been issues about the sort of people her and her boyfriend bring into the house, involving drug use. One of their "acquaintances" went to the toilet just before me; he looked like he'd just crawled out of the gutter. I went in the toilet and he'd missed the bowl and pissed all over the floor, as well as stinking out the room with clothes that smelt like sweat and smoke. Don't think he'd bathed or washed his clothes in ages. Or there'd be about 5 people in her bedroom smoking like a chimney. I don't care about the odd joint here and there, but FFS, five of them puffing away endlessly is just too much. I am the leaseholder and it's certainly within my rights to demand such things stop. David agree of course. This hasn't been a popular position for us to take with her and her boyfriend.

I'm starting to wonder now just how much of the argument/explosion between her and David stemmed from this very thing. It'd not be the first time my daughter's lied to me for her own ends. With my mental health issues and general vulnerability, it'd be very easy for her to use that to her own advantage. Plus I wasn't even here for six months after I met David as I was staying nearly every night at his place. Perhaps all this activity took off when I was away? Thing is she's told me over and over there's no drugs in the house, but I know for a fact that on occasion there has been. The day of the argument there were four people in her bedroom smoking for hours and she'd have been stoned off her head. This certainly shed new light onto the whole situation.

The bottom line is that it's about time she moved out. If she wants to carry on like that at 23 then she can do it in her own place and not involve me or David. She reckons she's getting the money together to move anyway with her and her boyfriend getting a place. They both work so I can't see a problem there.

David and I had an excellent afternoon together yesterday, clarified what was going on with each other and really reconnected back with each other after this drama. My daughter rang during that time but I didn't answer as I just didn't want to revisit the arguments in such a situation.

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