Wednesday 27 November 2013

Daughter moving out

Daughter has decided to move out as soon as possible. She's getting a bank loan to get together the bond and all to move in somewhere. I don't see that being a problem as she's lived at this address for 3 years and has been at her job for over a year. I'd had preferred she moved out under better circumstances but in the end it's time for her to go. It's unfortunate that the catalyst for it has been a huge shit fight with David.

Another thing that's occurred to me yesterday was the sudden realisation that my 22 year old daughter these last few days has been actively interfering in David's and my relationship, going so far as to call him a "cunt" in a text to me. Saying that if I stayed with him then I would be "driving her away". Looking at this in the cold light of day I thought, what right has she got to tell me who I should and shouldn't be with? I'm 51, she's 23. She has way overstepped the mark, and I now understand David's anger when she yelled at him that she wished he wasn't here.

It can be hard sometimes I guess to see the wood from the trees when you're so close to a situation as this. I know the last ten years of her life has been very tumultuous and she's been through thick and thin. I have however stuck by her in that when many abandoned her, given her a stable home environment, and watched her get on her feet and succeed. In reality she's completely ready to make her own home away from mine.

Psychologist rang yesterday when I was in the supermarket dead zone with no reception. Always the way. By the time I saw the text that he'd rung it was late afternoon. Emailed him this morning explaining, and that since things have settled a lot and solutions being found it's not so urgent anymore and perhaps sometime in the next week or so would be fine for an appt.

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