Sunday 16 March 2014

I got rained out of the March - pics

It started out as a beautiful bright sunny day in Sydney with not a cloud in the sky. I go on the bus from home to go the March in March, and in the 20-30 minutes it took to get there the skies had become dark as anything, it was raining and lightning, and even the cars were driving with their lights on. Given Sydney you'd have thought it was just a storm and the rain would let up shortly. 

But no. You can see the mist from the pelting rain on the top path. I was standing under a bus shelter (with others) waiting for the rain to stop. 

I wasn't dressed for it. Just t-shirt and jeans, no umbrella. Thongs on my feet. The rain eased and people thought it was over.

It wasn't. Steadily it carried on, even with a new ferocity. This was where I was standing near the stage and looking back at some of the crowd that had gathered at that point. 

The rain intensified and the skies were black. The 1pm start was delayed for half an hour, I guess because of the rain and people still waiting under shelter across the road at Central station.

By the time they got started and then announced there'd be 7 speakers, my t-shirt was wet through, feet wet and bits of sand and stuff sticking to them, it was dark and cold and I felt miserable. I was a bit disappointed but that was going to have to be enough for me today. Worked my way out of the crowd and went home.

BTW the rain has stopped now. Hope the march goes well then after all that.

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