Monday 24 March 2014

''People do have a right to be bigots" - Brandis

A stunning insight into Leiberal thinking by Lieberal George Brandis today in Canberra. Whilst debating possible Abbott changes to racial vilification laws (the boys still have the shits after their mate Andrew Bolt got done by them). And this is what he said:
Senator Brandis said the problem with the current law was that it dealt with racial vilification in ''the wrong way'' by ''political censorship''. 

''People do have a right to be bigots, you know,'' Senator Brandis said. 

"People have the right to say things that other people would find insulting, offensive or bigoted." Read more
Oh quick! Look over there! Is it a plane?

BTW I would suggest that those at the receiving end of bigotry know full well the difference between vilification and "political censorship". Yes, people have a right to be bigoted assholes, but (well at the moment at least) that includes those assholes living in a community who don't accept that they be able to preach their bigotry and hatred without consequences. Fuck it's just common sense; don't attack people over their race and all. WTF is wrong with that?

Oh yeah. The poor dear Andrew Bolt reckons he was wronged, so they want to change the law. And they have the nerve to talk about politicising the law? Bolt was found guilty by the judiciary, not the gov of the day. 


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