Saturday, 28 June 2014

Abbott called out on "No cuts to pensions" - Shorten

Our weasel PM Abbott sees fit to play semantics with pensioners lives. He actually stands there in parliament with a straight face and and says there's no cuts to pensions in the budget. Typical of this gov; black means white.

Try telling that to all the pensioners in QLD and WA who've just lost all their pensioner concessions. Or to the aged pensioners who are now losing their aged pension bonus something or other (I dunno what exactly it's called as I don't get it). Or to every pensioner in the country who will be slowly starved as they get older and frailer with a cut in indexation rates adding up to thousands less over time. Or other budget measures if they passed like the three fold increase in Medicare costs. What does Abbott think we're all fuckin stupid?


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