Friday, 27 June 2014

Discrimination case intensifies

The latest development in David's work and the discrimination episodes has taken a new turn. The lawyers are now taking it seriously and have referred the matter to the captain lawyer of the place, who will get back to him next week apparently. Well the fact that it's now gone to the head guy is promising, if only for the recognition of David's plight in the whole matter. Who knows, maybe something might actually come out of it.

David has now, to put it in a polite way, has exhausted all his resources soon after his work decided they weren't going to ring him anymore (he is employed permanent casual, whatever the fuck that means......). This is after giving him so few hours in this last financial year that he earned only about a third of what he earned the financial year before. To date he's not worked in at least 5 weeks.

We are now at financial crisis point. The only income he and I have got in the last 5 weeks is my pension, which doesn't go far at all as it's not meant to support two people. We have therefore, for such basic things as half the rent and eating, have had to use my credit card to do so. All this time his work ignoring him and the lawyers dithering. At least now they're taking notice.

It's the catch 22 sort of thing. People are reluctant to go on benefits (even if he could as he's still technically employed and therefore can't get a thing) as they think work will be around the corner; they'll ring me soon with a shift, bla. Suddenly it's a month without any income.  

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