Friday, 27 June 2014

Life regrets that haunt people

Well here I am again shortly after another one of my daughters dummy spits where she never wants to see me again, bla. The dust has started settling with the three people she involved in this episode (me one of them). People have been made angry, hurt, and bewildered at her capacity for manipulation.

It did occur to me though that she's setting herself up for some very intense pain and anguish in the long run. Although I'm only "dead to her" at the moment, one day I'll really be dead. When that time comes she's going to really regret everything she's done to me through all of this. 

You only get one life. Why waste it in bitterness and hate?

I've seen it before with my wife and her death. Some close friends had huge regrets about not being with her for those last months, coming up with excuses about not liking hospitals or whatever. Years after she'd died, they still struggled with those regrets about what they didn't do for their best friend in her dying months. I have no answer for them. 

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