Saturday, 28 June 2014

Murdoch 1975 order "kill Whitlam" - leaked US report

Certainly a story of intrigue this one.

We all know of The Dismissal in 1975, which saw the Lieberals collude with the Governor General and the Whitlam gov sacked. It was an ignominious end to a gov that pushed major popular reform in Australia, for instance the end of conscription. 

No doubt many of Whitlam's Labor policies displeased Washington, especially ending conscription. Where then would they get their young Australian men to go forth and be canon fodder for the US war machine? And what were these dreadful socialist policies of Whitlams? I dunno how much the US got involved behind the scenes in all of this, but perhaps this new story sheds some light.
Rupert Murdoch reportedly instructed his editors to "kill Whitlam" before the fall of the Labor government in 1975. 

Fairfax says the News Corporation chief's directive regarding former Labor leader Gough Whitlam is revealed in a diplomatic report from the US dated 1975. 

The telegram from the US Consul-General in Melbourne, Robert Brand, reported to the state Department that "Rupert Murdoch has issued (a) confidential instruction to editors of newspapers he controls to 'Kill Whitlam'". 

Mr Brand makes it clear that the words "kill Whitlam" were used in a political context and not as a physical threat, Fairfax says. 

Mr Brand noted that Mr Murdoch had previously supported Mr Whitlam's election but his publishing empire turned against the leader. 

"If Murdoch attack directed against Whitlam personally this could presage hard times for Prime Minister; but if against Labor government would be dire news for party," the telegraph reportedly said. Read more
To be fair, from the quotes it suggests the US was doing nothing more than observing the political situation here and reporting it back to Washington. I'm sure the news in Washington however, that Murdoch had declared war on Whitlam, was very welcome. I mean since when has Washington cared less what sort of nutbag is in power in foreign lands as long as they're a friendly ally, right? They would have been therefore watching what was happening in Australia with keen interest.

This is all quite apart from the usual Murdoch Empire interfering in Australian politics to the detriment of democracy. People need to read balanced reporting to make informed political decisions about who they vote for. What did Murdoch give US last Sept?

There is another question that this raises. What made Murdoch change his mind and go against Whitlam?

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