Wednesday, 11 June 2014

If Abbott treated business like the poor

A thought I had (don't faint people). Being on the DSP I wondered what business/mega-rich would say if Abbott demanded of them what he is demanding of me. Perhaps a few about the young unemployed as well....

  • Your earnings next year, no matter how much you are struggling, will be reduced as your medical costs will jump to 17% of your weekly earnings just for a visit to the doctor, a blood test, and two prescriptions, let alone anything else. This will be upfront cash. There will be no refund from Medicare or any private health insurance.
  • Your earnings will be reduced over coming years as we're indexing your tax breaks to some rate that we can manipulate by taking out things like housing rate increases (yes it's happened in the past). This is a figure we basically make up. Over a few years you will be having your income reduced by about 20% a week. We don't care if your a struggling company/mega rich person. You still have to wear it. It's your fault remember.
  • You are bludgers sucking tax dollars.
  • The country is going broke from the tax dollars you suck.
  • Stop sucking tax breaks and get your bloody act together.
  • The age of entitlement is over. 
  • You are a rich baddie. This is why we are punishing you. 
Or there's this perhaps, if Abbott treated companies like he wants to treat the young unemployed:
  • You will get your tax breaks for only 6 months of the year. However much this means to your survival doesn't matter. This is a budget emergency and the age of entitlement is over. You will simply just have to find a way to survive for those 6 months, good luck.
  • Don't whinge to me about survival, I have planes that don't work to buy.
  • You are all bludgers. Get off the gov teat.
Just some thoughts of mine. Feel free to add below if you so desire :)

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