The costs to hold marriage equality rallies in capital cites around Australia, to keep attention on the campaign in the media, spread the excitement through the community, and sustain pressure for a Liberal party free vote on the bill,
Commissioning polling to show on-the-fence MPs just how overwhelming the support for marriage equality is in their electorate,
Printing posters and putting them up all over key electorates, so that everyone knows to get in touch with MPs who are yet to announce their support,
Resourcing grassroots organising in these target electorates, to make it really easy for these communities to pull together and speak up for equality.
I can't believe it has taken this long in Australia, the country that in past years and decades has been at the forefront of social evolution.
Our federal parliament is crammed full of bigots and christians who yearn for the 1950's; unrepresentative swill who got there fuck knows how. Lieberal and Labor party machinations that locked out the grass roots representation from mainstream Australian society.
Incredibly, the very notion of Abbott allowing a conscience vote in Canberra on the issue is igniting dissent and backlash in the Lieberal party itself. I can't believe that that is representative of the mainstream public that voted Lieberal.
This is no longer simply about marriage equality for Australian gays. This is about our democracy itself. This is about Australia itself being equal with the rest of the western world.

Are we to allow our politicians to trash our views like this? Are we to just give up, again, and shrug our shoulders at Canberra? Are we to let conservatives in Canberra hijack our democracy and our international reputation for their own ideological ends?
All I know is that David and I want very much to get married, as I did with my late wife. Aside from everything else, as Panty Bliss said in Ireland, this is personal. That in itself is cause to fight for.
Please help the GetUp campaign above if you're able.
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