Saturday 14 April 2018

Shell knew all about climate change in the '80's - new documents released (video)

Recently released internal documents have shone a light on what Shell knew about climate change way back in the 1980's. In fact they were doing their own research on The Greenhouse Effect, and knew that fossil fuels were the main cause of this. Even going so far as to gauge how much of their product was contributing to the problem (table above).

They knew about sea level rises, temperature increases in the atmosphere, extinctions of species and ecosystems not able to adapt in time, and the effects it would have on human migration. 

So what did they do? Send out a red alert to the world at what was happening? Pfffft...... Seems to me they've left themselves open to be sued.

*Oh, it's already happened :)  See second video below.

There's much more at the link.

Desmog Blog (link)

Title pages

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