Tuesday 27 September 2011

Money money money

Daughter is working today, and is doing 3 days at the same child care centre. Finally she's starting to get some work through this new agency. It has killed me the last 3 weeks or so as she spent all her tax return money and then ended up with nothing. So I got no rent money off her at all. I'll be able to afford to live without the two days of work, but not if I get nothing for the spare room she's in. Came home from the financial guru last week and told her straight out, I can't afford to live without any money off her. Lay it on a bit too, told her I was in danger of loosing the place without it. 

She's finally started giving money since then. $50 on Friday and another $50 today. She got paid from the Youth Allowance yesterday, she has to report her earnings to them online every fortnight and they adjust each payment accordingly. This time working 3 days in a row it may put her over the limit and she won't get anything for the Youth Allowance, but I said you're better off like that anyway rather than having to rely on Centrelink. She offered to up the rent too, to $150 a week when she gets back to full time (she's got a job lined up in a week or 2) which surprised me. Of course I said yes, in fact I was going to tell her I was upping it to that anyway. Last week I had to pay the rent on a credit card FFS. 

Haven't heard anything back from the guru yet. Have only emailed and not rung. Think ringing would almost be hastening the financial apocalypse. Sent him the update on all my debt $. Paid a payment on the personal loan yesterday. Um, also got some cash advanced on the Mastercard and credited it to my main card I want to keep. I'll have enough on that to tide me over the apocalypse hopefully, and they won't be able to touch it being in credit. Probably the wrong thing to do. But hey it's damage control! 

Not actually bleeding my heart over the banks, fuck they're the ones that gave me all this money in the first place. Even now if I still just carried on and did nothing, I've still got another nearly $35,000 I could put on them before everything got maxed out. Just mental really. I'd end up in about $60,000 debt at least. Even working full time I wasn't on any spectacular wage, just average. I'd have no hope of ever paying it back. 

Quiet day home today. Will go get something to have for lunch at work the next 3 days, from the supermarket shortly.  

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