Sunday 26 August 2012

Martian landscape

Took some pictures of Simon's property here. Being as the Mars thing is landed on the planet and taking pictures of it, I couldn't help noticing the similarity. Took a close up shot of some clear dirt:

And this is the same area but a normal picture:

A long shot. 

It's a big worry here about the amount of grass that's grown everywhere and the coming summer fire season. Simon's got grass on his property that's never grown there before. The whole lot would go up in a very short time with a bit of wind. Looks like he may have to hire someone to come in and whipper snip it all back. Can't mow it as there's rocks and stones everywhere, and not even.

Have dosed myself up with flu pills and been gargling like mad. Went to bed early last night and coughed up more thick yellow shit from the top of my lungs. I suppose that's a good sign. Simon has offered to take me to the little hospital here today as he's still worried, I dunno will see how I go today. Perhaps some sign of improvement this morning.
Evidently if they need a doctor there at the hospital they can call him out from the local medical centre in town to come to the hospital. That sounds a bit more reasonable. But honestly I just can't believe one fuckin doctor in the whole town. And I can't believe the dramas involved at the local chemist just to get something that would've worked better than the flu pills I'm taking now.

Simon can't understand why I've not got any antibiotics with me. What? He says he doesn't take them all when he has them and saves them. My reply was that I've had to take the whole lot to stop the virus from coming back. Last year I had something that took 3 courses of antibiotics to get it better.

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