Wednesday 29 August 2012

This is a wonderful place.

I'm going to miss this place. This afternoon I'm posting from the outdoor setting.....

It's warmer than usual, nearly 30 I think, but much more of a dry heat and feels much less than 30 would in Sydney. I've been in the chair in the background, just taking in the atmosphere. 

I guess I do have some kind of affinity with nature growing up on as farm? Who knows. But it's like I could feel the space that I was lucky enough to be a part of here. 

I can't expalain it, words are hard to describe it. 

The russle of the wind softly through the trees. The ancient landscape all around me. The birds singing who've evolved over milenia..... 

I can almost hear the cry of the earth in their voices; so strong are the voices of Australian birds, so strong the voice of the Australian earth. 

This is an ancient land. So ancient it's spiritual. 

Again, this is impossible to describe in words. I can't. But I can feel it.

This is a wonderful place. 

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